This will be a Three Part blog post. Yay.
Part 1.
This morning before I took a shower, I smelled the new soap my dear mother bought. It had a nice, reddish tint to it so I thought it was going to smell as nice as it looked. I. Was. Wrong.
I tried to think of what it smelled like exactly. I spent the entire shower doing that. I just couldn't think of it. (Yes, I spent an entire shower trying to describe the scent of soap.)
Finally, it hit me.
Old people, the waiting area at a service station (e.g. Jiffy Lube), and the slightest hint of citrus (which is what it was supposed to be.).
End Part 1
Part 2.
I finally figured out the difference between the abbreviations "e.g." and "i.e.". Maybe I'm dumb but I never knew what it was. Yay.
End Part 2
Part 3.
Some guy just drove by blasting "Breathe" by Taylor Swift. That was really funny. I don't think that was the first time it's happened either. It could just be coincidence but someone else drove by a few weeks ago blasting the same song.
End Part 3
Scratch's a Four Part blog post...
Part 4.
A cop just walked by my house and I'm pretty sure he just quacked...Weird.
End part 4
"Music starts playin' like the end of a sad movie,
It's the kinda ending you don't really wanna see."~Breathe by Taylor Swift
(That's the part that was blasting as the car drove by)
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