*trumpets play* *dances*
Today is March 14.
If you have not yet realized what March 14 is let me explain. It's Pi day! You know 3.14159265 and so on. *shrug* I'm really not much of a math person but for some reason I've always liked Pi. I mean, it sounds like PIE! Oh, and it has an awesome symbol...
Ok I'm going to add more 'cause I feel like Pi isn't appreciated enough.
Sorry, I liked that too much not to put it on.
Ok, enough with the pictures. How about a...video! Yay!
Awhile ago I stumbled upon a video called "What Pi sounds like". When I saw it I thought "Wow, this is awesome. I'm going to post it on my blog!" I think it's only appropriate to post it today. After all, it is Pi day...
So, if you like music and Pi then you should watch this *nods*
Also, in honor of Pi...I made PIE! *dances* I like pie. I like making it, eating it, and smashing it in peoples faces. Well, at least I think I'd like that. I can't say I've ever done it. Cupcakes? That's a different story...=)
Ok, well that's all. Happy Pi Day people!!! Go on, go recite the digits of Pi as far as you can.
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197 (I cheated. I only know up to 10 digits.)
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