Saturday, September 17, 2011

Who I Am

For English I was told to write a 500 word essay about something so I did. This was no easy feat  considering I'm not great at writing. It actually didn't even take me that long to accomplish. Yay.
Anyway, this is my way of turning it in. See, I'm not sure if our printer has ink and there I'm way to lazy to hand write all 600+ words. (Yes, I actually got a little bit over 600.) I'm not sure if this is acceptable. I guess I'll find out later. 

So, here it is.

Who I Am

I’m just a simple girl. There’s nothing extravagant about me. I’m
     If there was a line of people waiting to tell you about how imperfect I am, I would be at the front of that line. I would say, “Hello, my name is Meg and I’m not perfect nor will I ever be.”
That’s what this writing is about. Me, my imperfections, how the world might view me because of them, and why I don’t care.
     Let’s start the list of imperfections with my appearance. My hair isn’t ever perfectly done, free of frizz, fly-away, every hair in place. My clothes aren’t the latest fashion and let’s face it, they’re not always clean. I don’t exactly act “lady-like”. A lot of times dresses make me uncomfortable, I hate shoes,  and I don’t care if my purse, when I have one, matches my outfit.  Honestly, I’d rather be playing in the mud than worrying about it.
     Anyone could tell you that I’m definitely not the most graceful of people and I absolutely never will be. I often trip over my own two feet, walls and I have become well acquainted, and I’m constantly dropping things.
     I won’t say that I’m always the nicest, sweetest, selfless person you’ll ever meet because that would be a lie. I can often be selfish, preferring to do what I want rather than doing something for someone else.  I get angry, sometimes for no reason, and it can get the best of me. I also take my frustrations out on other people. I’m definitely not proud of that. There is so much more than the things that I’ve listed.
With the exception of my sometimes-more-than occasional anger issues and being a selfish individual my imperfections don’t bother me much.
     The world today puts so much pressure on being perfect, especially when it comes to young girls and women. It seems that if you don’t act or look a certain way you’ll never be “perfect”. If you’re not a size five or smaller, if you don’t wear revealing clothes, or wear so much make-up it looks like you got attacked by a box of markers then you won’t be considered “beautiful” or “flawless”. If you’re clumsy, more introverted, not athletic or don’t act in a certain way then you’re not “perfect”. If you stay that way you can’t become “perfect”.
To the world I could probably be considered an outcast. I don’t wear revealing clothing I don’t wear lots of make-up. I’m not a size five. I don’t act a certain way. I don’t believe that anyone can ever achieve perfection. One can try but it’s just not going to happen. There’s only one Person who can be completely perfect. That person is Jesus Christ.
If you asked me why I don’t care about my imperfections, I would tell you this: It’s because I know that I have a God who loves me even though I sin, make mistakes, and despite the fact that I’m so imperfect and so completely unworthy of that love. That love is never going to change. God loves me so much that he sent his only Son to die for my sins so that I could spend eternity in heaven with Him.
     My God has blessed me more than I can ever say by placing me in a family with two unbelievable parents and an awesome brother. He also blessed me with some awesome friends.
Both my family and my friends love me for me. Imperfections and all. They even love me because of those imperfections!
     When it comes right down to it, maybe I like being a very imperfect person. It’s who I am and nothing will change that.

So? What say you?

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