Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.

I decided something awhile ago. I've never told anyone what this decision was. Maybe because it's not exactly important and doesn't come up in daily conversation.
Anyway, I like writing in cursive. It's kind of unnecessary except for signing things, it makes my hand hurt, and I'm terrible at it but it's fun. The end.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

No Blankets Allowed

I'm sitting here once again trying to decide what to post. There are a million things running through my brain at the moment. It's always  like this. I open blogger just to find out that I really have no idea what I want to say...I guess this is me being indecisive once again. Wait! I know what I want to say! It's not particularly wordy just my random thoughts.

I've been realizing a lot lately how easy it is for one to be lazy when it comes to their walk with God. It's easy to skip reading your Bible claiming "It's just one day...". That one day suddenly becomes days. Before you know it you've gone weeks without touching your Bible except maybe for church or to move it to get at some stuff under it.
It's also easy to just skim over a few passages to say you did it. We read our Bibles witout really reading. As we read we're thinking about everything but what we're reading. I will admit that I'm guilty of this. Sometimes more often than it should be. There are times when I read my Bible and all other thoughts are pushing their way into my mind. By the time I'm finished I have no idea what I've read. That's changing and it will continue to change. It needs to.

It is just as easy to forget to pray. It's easy to either not pray at all or just mumble a small "blanket" prayer. You know, those "Dear God, thanks for all You've done for me. Please bless my friends and family. Amen." or "Dear God, I'm sorry for every sin I've committed today. Please forgive me." kind of prayers.
There's nothing exactly wrong with a prayer like the first one. It just shouldn't be the only prayer we utter. We should be taking the time to really talk to our Lord. We should be constantly in prayer about everything. We should be praying about every little thing. Our problems, fears, our hopes, our wants, our needs. Everything. (1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.)

Walking with God shouldn't be something we push to the back of our lives.  It can be easy to let life get in the way of it but we shouldn't let it. God should be, rather, needs to be the very center of our lives. We should constantly be striving to love Him and serve Him with all that we have. He died for us so we should be living for Him.

~Psalm 42:1 (NASB)
As the deer pants for the water brooks,
so my soul pants for You, O God.

Special thanks to Nate for the title =)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

And that's the end

That's it. I'm done. I didn't think I would survive, but I did!
Just five minutes ago I handed in my last stack of quizzes and tests for the school year. YAY! =)

Now for that important question that people sometimes ask: Did I learn anything? Maybe. *shrug*

I think I'm gonna go clean out my binder...

"And I don't wanna be here
And I don't wanna study now

It's all wrong but it's all right"
~Chem 6A-Switchfoot

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Snuggie, 32oz of Green Happiness, and a Sneezing Kitty

That's right. I have a snuggie. Rather, a knock-off snuggie. The box says "Blanket throw...the blanket with sleeves!" It's soft. Really, really soft...

Lewis came home from Wal-Mart today and handed me a box. It was a Toy Story snuggie. It's actually pretty awesome. Granted, it's a bit small considering it's for a child.
The first thing I said when I put it on was "Now I can look stupid like the rest of America!" or something to that affect (or is it effect? SO. Confusing.)...

I probably never would have bought this on my own. I have seen it before and thought it was awesome, but just because it was Toy Story. I find it a little bit awkward actually. It reminds me of a hospital gown. I feel like my back side is exposed which I guess it actually is. While wearing it I can't help but hold it closed in the back whenever I walk somewhere.

As for the 32oz of green happiness? That would be Mountain Dew. Irving sells any size beverages for $.69. How awesome is THAT? *grins*
I love Mountain Dew a lot. That's a bit odd because I used to loathe it. I'm glad my taste buds decided to change their ways. Life is much better now.

I'm currently in my nice, warm bed while wearing my super soft snuggie and drinking said green beverage. Oh, I'm talking to a cute guy on the book of faces. I think it's a good night. =)

P.S. My cat won't stop sneezing. That's a little weird...

"There's nothing worse than normal
There's no fun in mundane
When everyone gets older
I refuse to change"
~Irrational Anthem-Plain White T's

Irrelephant (adjective) - Anything that is unrelated to elephants.

Recently, I was "dearblankpleaseblank.com" and I saw the link for "grouchyrabbit.com". I stupidly clicked on it to see what it was. I have now wasted many hours on said website. It's probably my favorite website now. Here's why:

Tips For Success
If the cops are flashing their lights at you, they want to see just how fast you can really drive. Impress them.

To make sure no boys will ever write poems about your daughter, name her Orange.

Make your dying words, "I hid it in South America."

Before you insult someone, always walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you insult them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

While driving, slam on your brakes unnecessarily and as often as possible in order to keep everyone around you alert and paranoid.

Birthdays are good for your health. Studies have shown that people who have more birthdays live the longest.

Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

If facebook ever shut down you would see people roaming the streets shoving pictures in peoples faces screaming "Do you like this?! DO YOU?!"

If at first you don't succeed, sky-diving is not for you.

You will inevitably make a grammar mistake while pointing out someone else's grammar mistake.

Signs Things Aren't going so well
There is a 3D movie about Justin Bieber.

You have 6 fingers on your right hand. You just met a man named Inigo Montoya.

Your toys make three Disney movies behind your back.

Rebecca Black is deciding what seat to take in your car...

Your new friends just dared you to touch the butt.

Anyone who says words don't hurt you, has clearly never been hit by a dictionary.

Expecting the unexpected makes the unexpected expected. 

Rain is God's way of giving hobos a shower.

Bruno Mars is the kind of guy you get a restraining order against.

There are braille letters on the drive-up ATM.  
To Do List
Change Facebook name to "No One." Like people's statuses...

Find a Sicilian. Challenge him to a battle of wits involving iocaine powder, wine, and a pretty lady.

Live forever. So far, so good.

Find a tree where elves make cookies. Rob it.

Place an empty guitar rack in a public space with a sign that reads, "Free air guitars!"

Definition (I was limiting myself to five posts per category but this was by far the best so I broke down and posted more. Sorry.)
Single (adjective) - A man who makes jokes about women in the kitchen.

Shin (noun) - A device for finding furniture in the dark.

Sarcasm (noun) - The brain's natural defense against the less intelligent.

Dyslexic agnostic insomniac (noun) - Someone who stays up late at night wondering if there is a dog.

Gullible (adjective) - A commonly used word that is not found in the dictionary.

Junk (noun) - Something you keep for years and then throw away one week before you need it.

Cookies (noun) - The dough that actually made it into the oven instead of my mouth.

Mosquito (noun) - Mother Nature's way of getting you to slap yourself.

Cupcake (noun) - A gay muffin

Based on the bestselling novel (phrase) - If you read the book you will probably hate the movie, but we know you're going to watch it anyway.
You may now thank me for wasting your time. =)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Psalm 100

(v1) Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.

(v2) Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing.

(v3) Know ye that the Lord He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves: we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

(v4)Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.

(v5) For the Lord is good: His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dain Bramage

One time, I liked a guy so I threw a rock at his head. That was over a year ago so I'm not sure why I did it. It was either because Lewis and I were having a rock fight (ahh siblings...) and Nate got caught in it or I was trying to throw it at his chest (I'm still not sure why.). He ended up having a small bump on his head...I felt bad. He won't let me forget it. He claims he has brain damage. I'm not so sure about that. Although, he did decide dating me was a good idea. Maybe he does have brain damage...
Anyway, the following is a letter to said boy.

Dear Nate,
I'm very sorry I hit you in the head with a rock. As I've said before I'm not sure why I decided that was a good idea. I shouldn't have thrown a rock at my best friend. I'm sorry.
You tried to make me feel guilty for throwing said rock but I don't. I actually laughed at the memory. I honestly don't believe you lost brain cells so you can be quiet =P

There. I think we all feel a little bit better now.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Oswald Gabbatha Ohio

I was thinking today about my son* Oswald Gabbatha Ohio Mejia-Miller. I thought "I should post about him and his cuteness!" Then I realized how terrible of an idea that was. The last time I posted excitedly about something cute that I loved...it died. I don't want my son to die. I love him too much.

Ok, fine. I'm going to write something about him. But I won't go overboard with how amazing he is because, as I said, I don't want him to die. He's cute. He has a hat. I love him. That is all.

*Disclaimer: My son is not human. I did not have a child. He's a big, pink, glittery bouncy ball. Nate and I got him at Chuck E. Cheese.

 This is the day we got him =)
 Josh gave Waldo a goatee...
 I was on a Pushing Daisies "date" with Nate so Waldo was watching it with me.
 Oswald and his awesome hat at Applebees
Another one of Oswalds awesome hats. This was taken by Nate. =)

*sigh* Isn't he cute?

"Oh, darling, don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up
Just stay this little."
~Never Grow Up-Taylor Swift~

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Randomings of a somewhat tired girl

Confession: I think weird thoughts while watching action movies. Last night while watching "Bourne Identity" I was thinking about how dumb hamburgers are. Burgers must have cheese! Go cheese!

I like Nate's family. They crack me up.

I quite enjoyed dinner tonight. Mrs.Miller is a wonderful cookerer. =)

Random trips to the store to get pie rule. Go pie!

My stomach ache is almost gone...now if my sides would stop hurting we'd be good!

I really want to finish listening to the Keane album. I'm too lazy to load it on iTunes though. Hmph.

Hey! I have New York Super Fudge Chunk ice cream in the freezer! Maybe I can eat it tomorrow...=D

I miss Nate. I like him.

I hope Oswald doesn't come home from Nate's with a mustache or some such thing...

Dude. I'm done economics for the year. YES!

Why is there a lightbulb on my desk?!

I used to have an awesome room in the basement but I had to leave it because of big, scary spiders.

I never liked going in the basement because it was dark, cold, and there were spiders. Since Lewis moved into the basement I don't like going down there because I'm afraid of what might come out of his room and eat me...I'd post pictures so people would understand but I'm pretty sure that would be frowned upon.

I wish Lewis wouldn't leave his stuff on my desk...

I have a penny that has the name of "Phelps". I'm not sure where he went. =(

I totally just found the button for numered and bullet lists. That is extremely helpful.

*giggles* This is awesome.

I think that's enough.

I'm leaving now.

"Well I know I said I'd wait around till you need me,
but I have to go
I hate to let you down"

~Can't Stop Now-Keane

The good part of Literature.

Because I love reading I always thought that Literature would be my favorite class in school. Boy, was I wrong. I'm either extremely confused by author or bored. To. Death. The stories and poems never really made me express much emotion. Although there were three poems that made me go "Dude. That's awesome." Well, two did. The other I just liked for no apparent reason. They were good enough that I want to post them. Shocking.
The first is "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe. This was written about Poe's wife, Virginia Clemm, who died of tuberculosis. 

It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.

I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love,
I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of Heaven
Coveted her and me.

And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annable Lee;
So that her highborn kinsmen came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.

The angels, not half so happy in Heaven,
Went envying her and me:
Yes! that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.

But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we,
Of many far wiser than we;
And neither the angels in Heaven above
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee:

For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride,
In her sepulchre there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea.

This second poem is "Long and Long Ago" by Martha Snell Nicholson. If you know me I think it'll be obvious why I like it so much...=)

Long ago the Lord looked down
Through the years to this small town,
The street, this house, and planned that I,
While I was living here, should try

To do His work and will, and so
He started, long and long ago,
To make this person which is I,
He watched and guided from the sky,

Had this one marry that, and He
Sometimes would make one cross the sea
To meet the one he was to wed.
Strangely, strangely they were led,

And strangely mixed, some Irish, Dutch,
Some Scotch, a little French, not much,
and English blood to some degree,
Till many races met in me

To give me just this mind and face.
And then He saved me, by His grace!
But then while He was making me
He had to make another. He

Knew that my weakness would need strength
And understanding through the length
Of pain-filled days and years. He knew
My coming helplessness. And too,

He knew that other would need me,
Through the magic of love's alchemy.
(For this, dear Lord, I give Thee praise.)
And so He worked His wonderous ways

Just as with me, to make this man,
And finish that which He began,
Until at last we two should stand,
The workmanship of His great hand.

And then in God's good time we met,
My love and I! We thank Him yet,
With grateful hearts, and love Him so
Because He worked thus, long ago!

*smiles* I really love that poem. It's definately one of my favorites.
I'm not really sure why this final poem caught my attention, but it did. I guess there's just something about it.

"The Look" by Sara Teasdale

Strephon kissed me in the spring,
Robin in the fall,
But Colin only looked at me
And never kissed at all.

Strephon's kiss was lost in jest,
Robin's lost in play,
But the kiss in Colin's eyes
Haunts me night and day.

I'm sorry for potentially boring you. I just really love those poems. Maybe it's because I'm a sap and they were kind of sappy. Anyway, good day to you. *bows*

"I tried to write a poem for you but every word came with a tune. Who knew I could write a song?"
~Beside Myself-Redcast~