Saturday, November 19, 2011

Not Today

Sometimes I have deep, philosophical thoughts. Today is not one of those times.

Early this morning (and I think one of these was yesterday morning.) in a half-awake state I'm pretty sure I named my pillow. I can't remember what I named it though. Next I thought "I really shouldn't tell Nate or Mom..." But here I am. Telling everyone.

It gets better actually. I thought that peoples dreams should have gift shops. 


I decided 5 seconds later it wasn't a good idea.

OH. And...if anyone is wondering. My pillow would have been $14.99.

I may have only worked 3 days, but I think it's affecting me.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I feel like I never have anything to say. My life is boring yet it's crazy at the same time. 

I'm currently trying to finish my last year of high school. That's going really, really slowly. I just want to be done!! I also recently got a job, which is totally awesome. I kind of like it. I can't wear jeans but the people are nice enough. It'll do for now. 

My birthday is in about 8 days. Everyone is keeping secrets. It's pretty annoying. I just want to know!! Pretty much everyone I associate with is keeping a secret. My mom, my best friend, my boyfriend, even my boyfriend's family! Dang it guys, I wanna know! I'm going to continue griping for another week and then I'll be happy again. (For the record, I'm not mad at any of you people. I'm happy that you all love me enough to keep secrets or something like that.) 

Oh, oh, oh! I've been reading a book at night. It's pretty good. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that the little description of the author (what is that called?!) in the back says that he started the book after graduating high 15. What an overachiever...

Look! I have a blog post! YES.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Um, wow. It's been almost a month since I last posted. This is bad. I'm sorry.  I guess I've just been too busy to think of anything. I still don't know what I'm supposed to say. 
Seriously, I have nothing to say. Oh well. I'll think of something eventually...

Oh, I thought of something. I fell down the stairs tonight. Yeah, go me. *pumps fist in the air*

Monday, October 10, 2011

Bouncy balls are flammable!

This is another one of the delightful stories of my childhood "and it's a doozy" (Woo! Disguised Finding Nemo quote!) 

About 5 or 6 years ago my brother and I were playing with a bouncy ball in the kitchen. After bouncing it for awhile we lost it. We looked for it but we couldn't find it so we just went and did something else. 

The next night my mom was baking bread to go with dinner when she noticed that there was smoke coming from the oven. She opened the oven door and behold! Fire! She debated whether to save the bread of put out the fire. Unfortunately, the bread lost the debate. After the fire was out Mom realized that it was the bouncy ball that caught on fire. Yep, Lewis and I basically started a fire. Good times...

The moral of the story is this: If you lose a bouncy ball in your kitchen, check the oven or you could burn your house down. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

I have something to say

Nate is the bestest. He's awesome. I love him lots. He makes me happy. Really, really happy.
I'm gonna keep him forever. =)

P.S. I still really love the flowers. *grins* 

(They've opened since I took this and they are so much more beautiful not in a picture. He did a great job picking them out. Yellow flowers are my favorite. =D)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Favorite Owl City lyrics/quotes-The Owl City Blog

Whatever quotes that are here are taken from I've smiled, laughed, and almost cried at a lot of his posts. They're that awesome...

Owl City Blog

The first post I feel like sharing I actually can't just post one part. I'm sure we people from NH can relate to some of this...

Oh, and these two? I have to post the link. It's too long to copy and paste. Ha.

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things
"Life is such a beautiful gift and I’ll be the first to admit I haven’t got it figured out in the least. But the more days go by and the more I turn around and look back on them, the more I realize I have no interest in living for myself and that my focus is far better fixed on things unseen. I realize I’m being a bit ambiguous but it shouldn't be all that hard to put together.
A familiar way to sum it up may be this:
I am not my own
For I have been made new
Please don’t let me go
I desperately need You"

You Had Me at Hello
 "It doesn’t matter who these hopeless romantics are or where they came from, the point is that they meet, and suddenly the old familiar pain of past shipwrecked relationships disappears. The old aches suddenly vanish. They’re made for each other and they know it."

Waiting in the Wings
"That’s when I realize I’m tired of waiting. I’m so sick of wishing I was there already. I’d rather look around and not have to squint to see the beauty that literally lies everywhere.
Just for a second, forget your weekend plans, forget what’s in the books, forget your date on Friday night, forget how crazy the world is and how you just want to be there already. Things can change in a split-second and sometimes you have no idea what you’ve got until it’s gone. Sometimes life is not about the destination, but about the journey designed to take you there.
Whether things are happy or life is hard, there is SUCH divine beauty all around, and I suppose in a manner of speaking, “the trick is to see it.”"

Everything Reminds Me of You
"But as everyone always reminded you, life has a way of operating, God has a mysterious way of working, and sometimes things change without a moment’s warning."

My Hope is Found
"As I’m so often reminded what a priceless gift my life is, I ache with everything in me to make it count, so that when I finally cross the finish line, I’ll hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”"

How To Get Abducted By Aliens
This is rather long but I think it's worth it.

"All this to say — hang in there. The future is bright, and by all means, it’s beautiful. There’s really no telling what tomorrow may bring."

One Cool Taco

"It’s commonly referred to as the “Choco Taco,” but referred to by many as “manna from heaven,” so before you knock it, allow me to take a deep breath and suggest at the top of my lungs that if you’ve never actually eaten one of these epic little tacos…BABY, YOU HAVEN’T LIVED!
I cleverly refer to it as “the best thing ever.”

Okay look, all I’m trying to say is that these things are AMAZING!
And in reality, the whole point of this entry is to publicly proclaim my love for Choco Tacos from here to eternity.
Whew… I feel better about things already."

How To Become a Pirate

Hercules Goes Bananas
""If you stop fearing the Lord, you will stop fearing SIN. And when that happens, everything you deem unthinkable suddenly becomes tolerable, passable, admirable, moral, legal, and even applaudable. Dear Lord Jesus, help me to uproot such seeds of sin growing in my life and allow me to draw down daily grace so that I may glorify You with every fiber of my being. Take control of my soul, my mind, my emotions and my will. I long to follow You by all that I am even though it’s obvious I need more grace than I thought."

Plant Life

"this song’s deepest level of symbolism parallels Jesus Christ as the only ray of hope I have in this haunted house of a world. For me, sometimes it’s easy to focus on the bloody nightmares that inevitably show themselves from time to time, but despite such dismal distractions, it’s obvious the Lord has a way of planting victorious hope all around, and sometimes such beautiful blooms of color and vibrancy crop up out of nowhere when I least expect them. At times it requires wisdom to see them, other times it’s stunningly obvious, but regardless of circumstance, these angelic reminders are tremendously potent and absolutely real. Thus I continue to keep my knees black-and-blue, constantly on the hardwood floor, wholeheartedly thanking my Savior for the tremendous grace I’ve been given, for I’m not praying to the ceiling anymore.
At the end of the day, I can only answer for myself and I’ll be the first to admit I’m nothing but a worthless sinner, day in and day out. I’m as imperfect and flawed as they come. Thus, when the sun disappears behind the clouds and life suddenly turns into a haunted house, I cling to Jesus with every fiber of my being because He is unfailing, He is absolute, He is steadfast and His grace is deeper and wider than my imagination can even fathom. In Him and Him alone is where I’ve discovered a hope more bright and beautiful than words can possibly describe."

Ok, that's all. I'm done. I hope you enjoyed it. I did. I love the Owl City Blog. It makes me happy. (Not as happy as though.) I recommend it. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Barbie hair and lightbulbs

I have a story. I'm pretty sure I haven't told anyone this...

Ok, as you know I am a girl. So of course when I was younger I had barbies. They brought me hours of entertainment. Dressing them in various outfits, playing with their hair, making them go on dates and stuff like that. I also liked to wash their hair. That was always fun. That's where this story comes from.

When I was younger I had a white lamp on my night table . Remember that as it is important to this story. So, one day I was playing with one of my barbies in my room. I think I was playing with her hair and I had sprayed it with water to make it cooperate. Well, I was getting impatient waiting for the hair to dry when I spotted the lamp. I thought, "Light bulbs are hot and heat makes stuff dry..." (Can you see where this is going?) I brought my barbie to the light and I held the hair over the light bulb. At one point I put the hair ON the light bulb and it started to melt. Yeah.

I guess I wasn't the brightest of children. It never occurred to me that barbie hair is made of melt-able material. Heh. 

Anyway, I don't think my parents knew about this. I'm kinda surprised they didn't smell anything funky in my room either. heh heh heh.

Oh, and to my parents: I'm sorry I was such a messed up child. You people are such troopers!

Who I Am

For English I was told to write a 500 word essay about something so I did. This was no easy feat  considering I'm not great at writing. It actually didn't even take me that long to accomplish. Yay.
Anyway, this is my way of turning it in. See, I'm not sure if our printer has ink and there I'm way to lazy to hand write all 600+ words. (Yes, I actually got a little bit over 600.) I'm not sure if this is acceptable. I guess I'll find out later. 

So, here it is.

Who I Am

I’m just a simple girl. There’s nothing extravagant about me. I’m
     If there was a line of people waiting to tell you about how imperfect I am, I would be at the front of that line. I would say, “Hello, my name is Meg and I’m not perfect nor will I ever be.”
That’s what this writing is about. Me, my imperfections, how the world might view me because of them, and why I don’t care.
     Let’s start the list of imperfections with my appearance. My hair isn’t ever perfectly done, free of frizz, fly-away, every hair in place. My clothes aren’t the latest fashion and let’s face it, they’re not always clean. I don’t exactly act “lady-like”. A lot of times dresses make me uncomfortable, I hate shoes,  and I don’t care if my purse, when I have one, matches my outfit.  Honestly, I’d rather be playing in the mud than worrying about it.
     Anyone could tell you that I’m definitely not the most graceful of people and I absolutely never will be. I often trip over my own two feet, walls and I have become well acquainted, and I’m constantly dropping things.
     I won’t say that I’m always the nicest, sweetest, selfless person you’ll ever meet because that would be a lie. I can often be selfish, preferring to do what I want rather than doing something for someone else.  I get angry, sometimes for no reason, and it can get the best of me. I also take my frustrations out on other people. I’m definitely not proud of that. There is so much more than the things that I’ve listed.
With the exception of my sometimes-more-than occasional anger issues and being a selfish individual my imperfections don’t bother me much.
     The world today puts so much pressure on being perfect, especially when it comes to young girls and women. It seems that if you don’t act or look a certain way you’ll never be “perfect”. If you’re not a size five or smaller, if you don’t wear revealing clothes, or wear so much make-up it looks like you got attacked by a box of markers then you won’t be considered “beautiful” or “flawless”. If you’re clumsy, more introverted, not athletic or don’t act in a certain way then you’re not “perfect”. If you stay that way you can’t become “perfect”.
To the world I could probably be considered an outcast. I don’t wear revealing clothing I don’t wear lots of make-up. I’m not a size five. I don’t act a certain way. I don’t believe that anyone can ever achieve perfection. One can try but it’s just not going to happen. There’s only one Person who can be completely perfect. That person is Jesus Christ.
If you asked me why I don’t care about my imperfections, I would tell you this: It’s because I know that I have a God who loves me even though I sin, make mistakes, and despite the fact that I’m so imperfect and so completely unworthy of that love. That love is never going to change. God loves me so much that he sent his only Son to die for my sins so that I could spend eternity in heaven with Him.
     My God has blessed me more than I can ever say by placing me in a family with two unbelievable parents and an awesome brother. He also blessed me with some awesome friends.
Both my family and my friends love me for me. Imperfections and all. They even love me because of those imperfections!
     When it comes right down to it, maybe I like being a very imperfect person. It’s who I am and nothing will change that.

So? What say you?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Best Friend

This is kind of a special blog post.  I'm gonna write about my best friend. No, I don't mean Nate. The other one. The one that was around even before Nate come along.

You know how a lot of people say something along the lines of "Oh, I've known this person forever!" when in reality it's only been a few years or so? Well, I've known Stephanie almost literally before we were born. Our parents went to the same church and our mothers were both pregnant at the same time. I was born 25 days after Steph. We've been best friends since we were babies in the nursery. I really don't think there was ever a time where we weren't best friends.

Through the years we've done everything together. We spend most of our little kid days outside in the mud and climbing trees, sleep-overs, shopping, telling secrets, planning our weddings, and just being best friends. 

I can't remember a time in my life when Steph wasn't there. We have the kind of friendship that's not going to fade over time. Yeah, we've had some spots were we didn't talk a lot but we  weren't ever not best friends. We've had so many good times together. I can't even begin to count the times we've died laughing over everything and nothing. I have so many stories I could tell about the trouble we've gotten into, the awkward things we've said, the dumb things  we've done, but it would take forever. 

Steph is one of the most amazing girls I've ever met. She's always happy, positive, and she loves God so much and it shows! She's one of the nicest people I know, she's smart, she's pretty, she's talented, she's humble, and she's totally going to kill me for this, but I don't care. It's worth it to have the world know that my best friend is better than yours. =)

Lately, we haven't had much time together due to our varying schedules. After awhile of not seeing just her, we finally got together and had a sleep-over last night. It was a really, really good time. We watched a movie, laughed til we cried, felt awkward, and stayed up far later than we should have. This morning we actually walked about a mile and a half in the rain just to sit in Starbucks and chat over coffee (wow, we sound so grown-up!). We talked for almost 2 hours non-stop about almost everything. From our lives and how she was right about every guy I liked, to the lady next to us with the lip liner and longs nails that looked like a parrot. *giggles* She was scary.

As you can see, we have a really good friendship. I am so thankful to have a best friend like Steph. I love her very much. (In a totally non-sketchy way of course.)

"And I'll promise to be there whenever you need me
Because you'll always be my best friend"

~You'll Always Be My Best Friend-Relient K

Friday, September 2, 2011

This made me laugh...

I'm taking a short break from Owl City stuff for now. I just found this quiz on Facebook and it made me chuckle. I can't decide if I feel awesome or not. 

[] kissed someone before dating

[] Gotten a phone taken away at school

[]Gotten caught chewing gum

[]Gotten caught cheating on a test

Total so far: 0

[]Arrived late to class more than 5 times

[]Didn't do homework over 5 times

[] turned at least 2 projects in late

[x]Missed school cause you felt like

[]Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class

Total so far: 1

[]Got your mom,dad,etc to get you out of school

[x]Text people during class

[]Passed notes

[x]Threw stuff across the room

[x]Laughed at the teacher

Total so far: 4

[x]Took pictures during school hours

[] Called someone during school hours

[x]Listened to iPod,CD,etc during school hours

Total so far: 6

[]Threw something at the teacher

[]Went outside the classroom without permission

[]Broke the dress code

[x]Failed a class

[x]Ate food during class

Total so far: 8

[]Gotten a call from school

[]Been called the worst student

[]Punished on a school trip because you behaved badly

[]Didn't take your stuff to school

[]Given a teacher the finger when they weren't looking

Total so far: 8

[]Faked your parents signature

[x]Slept in

[]Cursed at a teacher behind their back

[]Copied homework

[x]Got in trouble with the principal/vice principal

[]Thrown food in the lunch room

Total so far: 10

Multiply by 3


So apparently I've messed up 30% of my teenage life.
After taking this quizzy thing I feel like such a home-schooler.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Favorite Owl City lyrics/quotes-Other Songs

Here are some other Owl City songs that aren't actually on an album. They should be though.

To The Sky (from Legend of the Guardians)
"Travel light, let the sun eclipse you
'Cause your flight is about to leave
And there's more to this brave adventure
Than you'd ever believe

Birds-eye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue
Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery
'Cause after all those wings will take you, up so high

Peppermint Winter
"I twirl through the driveway with angelic grace
Till I slip on the sidewalk and fall on my face
This peppermint winter is so sugar sweet
I don't need to taste to believe
What's December without Christmas Eve"

"Hop in the sleigh
And we'll glide away
Into the night
And we'll sip on moonlight
Runny nose
My frosty toes
Are getting cold but I feel alive
So I smile wide"

"The snowflakes start falling and I start to float
Till my mean older brother stuffs snow down my coat"

"I rip off the wrapping and tear through the box
Till I end up with 45 new pairs of socks"

The Christmas Song
It's impossible for me to choose my favorites...

These next songs aren't exactly "Owl City", but they're still Adam Young's covers of songs. *shrug*

Enchanted (Adam Young's response to Taylor Swift's song "Enchanted".)
"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you too"

"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you too"

In Christ Alone
"In Christ alone, my hope is found

He is my light, my strength, my song

This cornerstone, this solid ground

Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

What heights of love, what depths of peace

When fears are stilled, when strivings cease

My comforter, my all-in-all

Here in the love of Christ I stand"

How Deep The Father's Love For Us
"How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure"

"I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection"

And that's the end. Well, at least for the songs. =)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Favorite Owl City lyrics/quotes-All Things Bright and Beautiful

The final Owl City album: All Things Bright and Beautiful

Track #1-The Real World
"With a starry brush, paint the dusk Venetian blue,
because in the evening hush, you’ll never believe the view.
And when the leaves return and their whisperings fill the night,
they’ll freeze and burn where fire and ice collide."

"Reality is a lovely place but I wouldn't want to live there."

Track #2-Deer In The Headlights

"Met a girl with a graceful charm,
But when beauty met the beast he froze.
Got the sense I was not her type
By black eye and bloody nose,
But I guess that's the way it goes.

"Tell me again was it love at first sight
When I walked by and you caught my eye.
Didn't you know love could shine this bright?
If life was a game, you would never play nice.
If love was a beam, you'd be blind in both eyes.
Put your sunglasses on 'cause you're a deer in the headlights.

Track #3-Angels
"I keep my knees black and blue
'Cause they often hit the hard wood floor
(Wake me if you're out there)
And I believe so
I'm not praying to the ceiling anymore"

Track #4-Dreams Don't Turn To Dust
"Splash down in the silver screen
Into a deep dramatic scene
I swim through the theater
Or maybe I'm just a dreamer
Like a kite in the bright midday
Wonder stole my breath away
Shy sonata for Mercury
The stars always sing so pretty"

"This picnic will soon depart
Real life, I'm sad to see you go
I'll miss you with all my heart
But I'd rather be alone
'Cause I couldn't live without
Sunsets that dazzle in the dusk"

Track #5-Honey And The Bee
"But still my heart stops without you
There's something about you 
That makes me feel alive"

"We are honey and the bee
Backyard of butterflies surrounded me
I fell in love with you
Like bees to honey
So let's up
And leave the weeping to the willow tree
And pour our tears in the sea

"But if I reached for your hand
Would your eyes get wide?"

Track #6-Kamikaze 
"Oh, comet come down
Kamikaze over me
And come alive
My midnight melody
Oh, comet come down"

Track #7-January 28,1986
I think I'm just gonna post a link to this one...

Track #8-Galaxies
"Dear God, I was terribly lost
When the galaxies crossed
And the sun went dark.
But dear God, You're the only North Star
I would follow this far."

"Oh telescope,
Keep an eye on my only hope,
Lest I blink and get swept off the narrow road,
Hercules, you've got nothing to say to me,
'Cause you're not the blinding light that I need.
For He is the saving grace of the galaxies"

Track #9-Hospital Flowers
"I survived
A dreadful accident
In the car crash of the century
My shattered hopes
Collapsed on cold cement"

"I tossed and turned
In sterile apathy
Until the violets
Arrived for me
The bouquet burst
And blossoms filled the room
And the place got smaller as they grew taller
And taught me to bloom"

Track #10-Alligator Sky (Feat. Shawn Chrystopher)
"heh heh Owl City

Track #11-The Yacht Club
"My rock candy passion is bittersweet
And armed to the teeth
'Cause she would rather fall in chocolate
Than fall in love 
Especially with me"

Track #12-Plant Life
"I'd rather waltz than just walk through the forest,
The trees keep the tempo and they sway in time,
Quartet of crickets chime in for the chorus,
If I were to pluck on their heartstrings, would you strum on mine?"

*Bonus Tracks*

Alligator Sky
"Remember to breathe, because it'll take your breath away,
When the engines cough, and you blast off.
Ignite the night with a firecracker flash.

"Remember to dream because it's gonna be a starry night,
Over every town, if you look down.
So harmonize with the singing satellites.
Remember to scream because you're gonna be lost for words,
When the sparks erupt and they light you up.
Dip your toes in the galaxy 'cause it's yours to explore tonight."

"Roller coaster through the atmosphere,
I'm drowning in this starry serenade,
Where ecstasy becomes cavalier,
My imagination's taking me away.

Reverie whisper in my ear,
I'm scared to death that I'll never be afraid,
Rollercoaster through the atmosphere,
My imagination's taking me away.

How I Became The Sea
"And then
When the Empress ran aground
And my eyes turned blue and green
I heard a gorgeous sound
And that's when it became a dream

When the sky fell in
When the hurricanes came for me
I could finally crash again
And that's how I became the sea"

Lonely Lullaby
"Symphony of silver tears,
Sing to me and sooth the ring in my ears,
Overcast these gloomy nights wear on,
But I'm holding fast because it's darkest just before the dawn.

I sang my princess fast asleep,
'Cause she was my dream come true,
Oh Annmarie, believe me, I loved you.

But now those lonely lullabies,
Just dampen my tired eyes,
Because I can't forget you.

Shy Violet (Japan Bonus Track)
"She dried my eyes and drifted off
While every tear was held aloft
The heavy rain clouds felt terrible
'Cause she made my stormy sky beautiful"